Memoirs of a geisha dance That

Memoirs of a geisha dance

That sounds strange because Trier has filmed his last few films in this way because he felt his previous filmsstarting backword frm Zentropa had become too cold. However, if he had backed of a bit, it would not look as if von Trier is mocking Selma and the other characters, thus increasing compassion for the characters. The full-on mellodrama seems just too the top to be accepted by some as anything more than a joke. I do believe that von Trier believed in Selmas conflict, but film as whole walks a very thin line, leaving open for many misinterpetations. Egman the best films always walk a very thin line! Istagi I didnt bomb anything, I was simply responding to Doms criticism and also addressing some of the wider issues raised by Dancer in the Dark. And as Redux has said, he has already got the information from this thread that he needed or was ever going to get. If you want to take action the go right a-fucking-head. This message has been edited by mahavishnu edited 07-16-200 Location: No Name City. Population: Nuts Istagi Ambushbug please do not egg on Maha. I cant comment since I havent seen it, but Im sure Mahavishnu will be along shortly to tell you why its just super. was not meant to egg Maha on. I simply recalled that he really enjoyed and endorsed this film, memoirs of a geisha dance I figured hed be showing up on the topic before too long. Honestly, no memoirs of a geisha dance motive on my part. Unquestionably swashbuckling! I know Ambush but good intentions dont always produce good results. Moderator of the Now Playing and software forum. Hey thats no fun, she fell right over! Ambushbug didnt egg me on. Indeed, the thread went on for quite a while before I joined in. It was actually Kikos comments that Dancer looked the same as Idioterne that drew me into the thread. Sorry to continue with this at the bottom of this thread, but I tried to start a seperate new topic and Istagi closed it!!! You should lay off Dom. Everyone on this board including yourself, make it interesting. Dom, is more than entitled to his opinion and for whats its worth his opinion sucks because this movie doesnt even warrant being touched with a 10 foot poll. It flat out sucks. Want to see something good go get Zentropa!! Bjork is not for everyone and neither is this film. Europa Zentropa is very good, but Dancer in the Dark is far more advanced. Sheesh, you turn your back only two days and the whole world okay, this thread, anyway goes mad Well, since I obviously was the originator of some of the controversy in here, and since this thread is completely derailed anyway, here goes. Mahavishnu likes it so I wouldnt touch this movie with a ten foot pole anyway. isnt a personal attack then I dont know what is. This was admittedly personal, but not an attack. It is true that I use your taste in movies as an indicator as to whether Im likely to like a movie or not, but in no way was I attacking your taste. Just as I use prominent movie critics to decide if Im going to like a movie or not eg If XYZ likesd it, Im most probably gonna hate/enjoy it. Oh thats right. Im sure Dom has seen all the movies I like. Actually, I doubt hes seen even 5% of them. Its thus patronising of him to memoirs of a geisha dance he understands my taste.

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