Foreign exchange student who

Foreign exchange student

who the hell still uses the ps2 for a dvd player? even when it came out, a year later, no one was using the damn thing. it was horrible. I USED AND STILL USE the PS2 as a DVD player, im sure im not alone Saw both units and discs at Best Buy the other day. The blu-ray discs are in blue plastic cases and the HD-DVD are in red. As we all know from Tron and our political system, Bluegood and Redbad. : The Thlot Plickens. The PS3 is going to have a bigger battle to contend with. Id consider scuttling my plans for a PS3 in lieu of an HD DVD Xbox 3 That will make present Xbox360 owners real happy-having them pay for a entire new console. If they, have a internal replaceable unit that users can install on current consoles, that would be one thing, but even at this, your looking at potential voided warranties, accidental damages, frequent returns, etc. as you have users cracking open their 360 to replace their drive. Im going to go out on a limb and say I dont think this would be a great strategy at all-cost wise or consumer-friendly wise. Furthermore, if it is an internal or external add-on, foreign exchange student better be foreign exchange student it capable of more than 720P output from what is expected. Also, as weve discussed add-nauseum is the fact of how external add-on drives historically fail, and I dont see this drive changing that history. Also, they better find a way too sell it less than the expected and at one time temporarily posted price of 199 which would put them at the same exact price of a built-in Blu-ray drive PS Also, from what I understand is that the add-on for the Xbox 360 as it is currently, will only be capable of playing HD DVD movies and not capable of playing games on the HD DVD format. Still want to scuttle your plans for a PS3? Probably, as we all know you are a fanboy of everything Microsoft, from their backed HD format of HD DVD, to their interactive layer in iHD, to their encoding software in VC-1, and now of course to their gaming console in the 360 despite having a standard DVD drive, and only 1080i output. So, honestly, scuttle away as I wouldnt expect anything less from a Microsoftie, but your considerations are just that, yours. Let others consider the facts, and practice their free agency upon those facts as to what theyll purchase, and not on fear mongering from you. I USED AND STILL USE the PS2 as a DVD player, im sure im not alone Youre not, and wont be in the future with the PS3! ; Yeah I know its kind of hard to compete with stuff like this. Do you ever get the feeling that your best interests arent being accounted for as a consumer. Do you ever get that sneaky suspicion that some articles have some underlying motives? Marzetta may like posting info from web rags but I havent trusted the media in years. Interesting web rags comment, when just a few weeks ago, a lot of you Microsoftie supporters were posting links from IGN about how the PS3 lost at this years E3 convention. Not to mention all the links from IGN on how well the Wii performed. First a dig on CNet, now on IGN, which is one of the best if not the best game reporting website. So, it begs the question, where do you get your information from? If you dont trust or somewhat trust some sort of media outlet, where are you getting your information? Are these the inside industry sources that we keep hearing about from are they, do tell, because we are still all enthralled about how China is going to save the day for HD DVD still and how certain Hollywood studios are going to defect to HD DVD, etc. Are you getting your information from the Microsoft PR machine a la Amir? Or what? From people over at AVS claiming 50, 000 Toshiba units have sold? Really, Im not looking for answers to the above questions, but rather just wanted to exploit how transparent your post really was in terms of underlying motives and your foreign exchange student suspicions.

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